Las Vegas Will Be Represented By Two Poets at the Individual World Poetry Slam
This year, Las Vegas will be represented by two poets at the Individual World Poetry Slam, a first for the city where in previous years the city has only sent one representative a year.
This year, Las Vegas will be represented by two poets at the Individual World Poetry Slam, a first for the city where in previous years the city has only sent one representative a year.
the.changeling at Human Experience LV at Hop Nuts
the.changeling, an up-and-coming spoken word and slam poet in Las Vegas, Nevada will be Battle Born Slam's representative at the 2017 Individual World Poetry Slam in Spokane, Wa.
Although he has been writing poetry since his adolescence, he has just recently begun to share is work publicly. What started with him simply wanting to share a poem with a girl he loves has turned into his passion and helped him find a home.
His two chapbooks, A Declaration of Sorts and A Beautiful Paradox are both available whenever he performs live.
the.changeling at Human Experience LV at Hop Nuts
He hopes that you enjoy poetry as much as he does and invites you to go on this journey with him.
You can follow him on Instagram for short poems and previews to new pieces. Also follow him on Twitter for a more stream of consciousness insight into his mind. He can be found on both @LVChangeling
the.changeling is also set to perform on October 21 at the next Vegas Valley Book Festival.
Tree Hill at Human Experience LV at Hop Nuts
Tree Hill is the Co-founder of Soul Sessions and is representing The Truth Collective at this year's Individual World Poetry Slam in October, Tree Hill plans to follow a path of service. While one vehicle is her Poetry - she is learning as she continues to spread a message. She also recently joined the Las Vegas Poets Organization as an Executive Board member and the Social Media Outreach coordinator.
Tree Hill at Human Experience LV at Hop Nuts
From 1990 to 2007, the National Poetry Slam has held an "individual" poetry competition (known as "indies") simultaneously with the team competition, with the poets earning the highest ranking individual poems during the first two days of competition moving on the semifinal and final rounds. The first ever winner of this event was Patricia Smith, who would go on to win the Individual National Poetry Slam Championship title a record four times.
Starting in 2004, Poetry Slam Inc (PSI) decided to host a separate event called the Individual World Poetry Slam (iWPS), in which solo poets (not teams of poets) competed for the championship title. The first iWPS was held in Greenville, SC and the first iWPS champion was Buddy Wakefield.
Because of the popularity of iWPS and to avoid the confusion of two "individual" poetry slam titles being awarded ever year, Poetry Slam Inc. decided to cancel the "indie" competition at the National Poetry Slam.
In 2016, the competition was held in Flagstaff, Arizona.
A Gofund Me campaign is available to help Tree Hill as she makes her way to nationals to represent Las Vegas. You can donate at: